Tuesday 31 January 2012

"Chemist's Corner" ... A Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to my little blog, I'm amazed you have even found me! I've decided to write this blog as I love anything beauty related and often get asked questions. I am a childcare provider and often see tired mummy's who say they haven't got the time to really look after their skin and leave the house without feeling how they look; tired, run down and usually stressed.

Most women usually say that by the time they find the time to begin to look after themselves, they'd need to break in to the bank and steal as much money as they could get their hands on in order to pay for the mightily expensive high end products... and trust me, you don't!

At the age of around 13, I began to get acne. I didn't look after my skin very well, I ate all the wrong foods (and still do) and usually layered tonnes of make up on my face. I'd wake up in the morning with the biggest panda eyes you'd ever seen, wipe it off as quickly as I could and re-apply on the bus whilst the other girls on my bus plastered orange makeup all over their faces which usually got the lads shouting "Who's been tangoed?!" to them.

At this time my mum had developed stress and her skin was beginning to dry out quickly and was showing signs of early ageing. A friend of hers showed her the importance of getting in to a daily facial routine and how quick and easy it is to do with just a couple of Helena Rubenstien products. I remember after a couple of months her saying she wished she'd done it years before, her skin was beautiful and glowing. It was then she showed me my own routine, using some Clarins cleanser and some Ten-O-Six toner and introduced me to the wonderful place in our house know as "chemist's corner".

Chemist's corner is where my mum keeps all of her beauty related products. It's actually just an end corner wardrobe full to the brim and is scheduled to fall through the living room ceiling at any time. It's like Narnia to the beauty addict and I could spend hours at a time in there.

And that's it... that's how I got in to my love of beauty and cosmetics. Recently I have been drawn in to watching the beauty gurus on Youtube. Pixiwoo, KandeeJ, Panacea81, Misschevious and Jingleheartart are just a few of my all time faves and I've linked their blogs and websites in too (If you're new to the Youtube gurus, go on to Youtube and in the search bar just type in their names as displayed above!)! I'm always on the look out for bargains and for products that look amazing! I really want to show not just mummy's, but all busy women out there that looking as good on the outside as on the in is really easy and affordable. I'll post my fave products, post reviews where I can and will show products that aren't just for my tailored age as well as showing looks and recreations of pictures that might take my fancy! You may occasionally, from time to time, see posts about childcare related issues or little tips and tricks I've found, or even some new recipes I've found too... Just as a brucey bonus, and to entertain some of you insomniacs out there.

Anyway, that's just a little about me for now... If you managed to get this far, thanks to your eyes and brain for continuing so long, and hopefully you'll be here next time! 

(And incase you haven't worked it out, that's me above!)

Aimee x